Stamperia - Vicky Papaioannou - Create Happiness 2 - Label Rub-Ons
Art Journaling Collection designed by Vicky Papaioannou. Transfer film for decoration. The magic of the Rub On is to transfer an image easily into your project. Sheet is approximately 4 x 8.5 inches ...
Art Journaling Collection designed by Vicky Papaioannou. Transfer film for decoration. The magic of the Rub On is to transfer an image easily into your project. Sheet is approximately 4 x 8.5 inches.
Vicky Papaioannou is a Greek artist, through her popular Youtube channel she inspires the creation of journals and cards. Her sweet and fresh voice is guiding step by step the followers to complete their work but also to Create Happiness through doing this. Happiness for oneself and for others too.