Design team news & a new series
Design Team projects general Nerd Academy
Hello bloggers,
Happy Monday! Time is passing so quickly and soon school will be finished for the year, summer vacation starts and most of our schedules will get a little busier. At least the busy part may include some fun family/friends activities. I can’t believe that June has started already and there is only 19 more days until the official start to summer.
Our design team is starting a new term and we’re happy to say that these three awesome ladies are staying on with the Nerds.
Our design team Coordinator & NerdGirl –
NerdGirls & forum moderators –
Over the summer we are hosting the 2nd Annual Scrapbook Nerd Summer Camp & we will have a few new series starting tomorrow here on the blog and Facebook.
On Tuesdays the new series will be centred around helping you learn & try new techniques.
The Nerd Girls are going to show you easy, doable techniques that you can add to your projects. Join us tomorrow for the first instalment from Sarah.

Step by Step paper crafting tutorials
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