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Friday Share

Bella Blvd. Illustrated Faith cardmaking Design Team projects general Inspiration Jillibean Soup Hello Healthy collection Scrapbooking She Blooms


Laura bio @ scrapbooknerd.com

WOW-This week has flown by!! It was a pleasure to show my projects with you!

Here is quick recap of my projects I posted on the forum and on the social media channels.

1:–Sweet Princess

scrapbooknerd.com sweet princess


2: –Be You–Inked background tutorial

scrapbooknerd.com be you Laura

3:- Thankful

scrapbooknerd.com thankful

4:- Morning Start

scrapbooknerd.com morning start

5:- Thank you and Hello

scrapbooknerd.com thank you hello

I had such fun creating projects for my week presenting to you!

Thank you for allowing me to share!

Until next time!



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