Making Your Own Epoxy Titles
DIY general make your own Nerd Academy Tips & Tutorials tutorial

Step by Step paper crafting tutorials
Hello all you Nerds! Welcome to another tutorial by the Scrapbook Nerd Design Team.
If you’re like me, you love the look of epoxy titles. I buy them up, but then when it comes time to try and use one, I can’t seem to find one that fits the page I’m working on. So, I decided to make my own, as you can see on this finished layout.
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you just how easy it is to create your own epoxy titles to use on your next project.
What you need:
A computer print out of your desired title – unless you want to do it free-hand
Clear sticker backing
A Sharpie marker in the colour of your choice
Glossy Accents
Once you have printed out your desired title, place the clear sticker backing on top. I used a small amount of adhesive to keep the sticker backing in place.
Trace the title with the Glossy Accents on top of the clear sticker backing.
Once completed, set aside until it is dry completely.
When it is dry, use your sharpie marker to colour your title completely.
Peel the “epoxy title” from the clear sticker backing and adhere to your project. I used a little more glossy accents to adhere it to my project.
Have fun with this very easy technique to make your own fun epoxy titles.
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