Print Screen Tutorial
DIY general how to tutorial Nerd Academy papercrafts

Step by Step paper crafting tutorials
Good Morning Fellow Nerds….
I have decided to try out my print screen, I purchased this a few months ago and have not even taken it out of the package as of yet…so today I decided to give it a try.
As you can see all I did was use Ink and my Inking tool.
I peeled it off the backing. If you have never seen a print screen, it has a sticky back and is very easy to apply, and also does not tear paper when stuck down.
The second stet was just adding my ink to the screen, it is very easy, I love that the screen does not move around like a stencil. Also you can use any type of medium on these screens. I have seen some use paint, and just drag the paint down the screen with a plastic card or you can paint it on.
….and here is a closer look at how it turns out…..
I love the finished look, and can’t wait to show you what the layout will look like when it is complete!!
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