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Spring Has Sprung – Day 5


Welcome to another day of inspiration with our great Design Team. Today, Joy is sharing some gorgeous Spring cards:

“The colour palette in the Craft Market collection my inspiration behind these cards & although there are pops of navy I think these are still pretty for Spring.
I used more chipboard, stencils, sentiment stamps, craft market papers & moulding paste for these cards.”

“I love to work with kraft cardstock Smile and the Craft Market collection is a new favourite of mine. I got out some doilies, chipboard stickers, paper strip leftovers from the craft market 6×6 paper pad, a few stamps & a Heidi Swapp Polaroid stencil.”

What about you? What Spring projects are you creating this year? We’d love to see them. Share them with us here, on our Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, or in our forum.

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