Silhouette Savvy Series: Stand-out stitched title #2
Christmas layout cut file Design Team projects Inspiration Inspsired Nerd Nathalie DeSousa Nerd Academy Scrapbooking Silhouette silhouette Savvy Series stitched title The Cut Shoppe tutorial

Hello there!
Happy New Year to you all! May 2017 be filled with lots of health, love, happiness, and crafting time, of course!
I am back with a new entry for the Silhouette Savvy Series. In a previous entry (click here to be taken to the entry) i showed you how to use the pencil attachment to draw a design in the Silhouette Cameo. This time, we will explore the same concept, but just using the regular blade on the machine. For this entry, I am using the ” ‘Tis the Season” cut file from the Cut Shoppe to create the stitched title used in the project.
- First, isolate and trace the image you want to use ( you can find the tutorial on how to select and trace an image by clicking here). Make sure that you highlight the entire image, and create a compound path to the image.

- Since, we will be hand-stitching the title, first we need to create a stitching guide along the perimeter of the image. For this simply go to the Cut Settings window of the Silhouette, and select to perforate the edge of the cut file. Here is what the image will look like after choosing this function.

- Do not send the image to cut in the machine. Instead go to the Offset window on the silhouette software, and click on create an external offset around the image. You can chose how much space you will like around the stitched image. Do not worry if the perforated line disappears in this stage. Here is what your screen would look like at this stage.

- Once again go to the Cut Settings window in the Silhouette software, and chose the command Cut Edge. This will only create a cutting line around the edge of the offset of the image. Now you will see the perforated lines of the image, and a solid line around the offset just created. Here is what the image will look like before cutting:

Now all that is left to do is click on Sent to Silhouette for the machine to cut the image. If you don’t see this image, just back track a few steps. Usually this happens when the original image was not set to a compound path. So just undo the last few steps, make sure you create a compound path of the image, and follow the steps as highlighted in this tutorial.
Once the image is cut, I chose to use metallic watercolors to color inside the perforated line, and then spent a few hours watching Netflix, and stitching the image. Here is the final product:

I loved this picture of my kids playing with the lights of the Christmas tree, and this title was the perfect complement to this picture and layout. The beautiful, Pinkfresh’s “Oh Joy” collection was ideal to document this lovely moment. Here are some more close ups of the project, and the final layout.

As always, let me know if you have any questions on the tutorial. I would love to see what you create with this technique, so don’t forget to tag Scrapbook Nerd when you share your project on social media.
Thanks for visiting today!

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