Silhouette Savvy Series: Welding Cut Files
Design Team projects free cut file Free cut files general Inspiration Love song cut file Marble paper Mixed Media Nathalie DeSousa Nerd Academy New products Product Information Scrapbooking silhouette Savvy Series Simple Stories Simple stories Romance collection The Cut Shoppe Tips & Tutorials Videos watercolor weld cut file Yupo paper

Hi there!
Hope you are doing well!
We are heading into February (time is flying!), and that means “Valentine’s day”. The store will be releasing a few free cut files, this month. The Love Story cut file is available now and the rest will follow on Feb, 1st.
I wanted to show you an easy way to manipulate the cut file to create a one-of-a-kind cut out by welding some of the cut file images. So sit back, and take notes on how to weld cut file images together:
Here is a small cheat sheet on the steps to follow:
- Open and trace each of the images you will be using. Make sure that the image is converted into a Compound Path (highlight the entire image -only what will be used in the cut out-, right click on the mouse, and chose “Make Compound Path”
- Move the image so that it is intersecting?touching the other image/images that it will be welded to
- Highlight the all the images to be weld, right click the mouse, and chose “Weld” or chose the Modify window, and click on the “Weld”comand.
It is that simple! Two things to remember are:
- Make sure you are only selecting the image that you will be welding together ( you can always get rid of any extra images by releasing the path, and then deleting any unwanted pieces. Don’t forget to convert the cleaned image back to a Compound path).
- The images being welded have to intersect/touch for this comand to function correctly

Now let me show you how this page came together using the cut out created in the previous video, a bit of mixed media, and the beautiful “ROMANCE” collection from Simple Stories. SO sit and enjoy the nex few minutes:
As you see, I used a bit of watercolor and Yupo transluscent paper to create my own marble paper to back the cut file.

All the embellishments from the “Romance” collection complement the picture of my husband and I while watching tv.

I hope this inspires you to bring out your Silhouette machines, and create a one-of-a-kind cut out by simply welding some images together.
Let me know if you have questions about how this came together.
Take care!

Yupo Transluscent watercolor paper pad
Prima Marketing watercolor palettes – The Classics, The Tropicals, Pastel Dreams, and Odyssey
Simple Stories – Romance collection – kit
, stickers, chipboard stickers, die cut pieces
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