Weekly Creative Team Digest
Design Team projects general Gisele Julien Inspiration inspired Inspsired Nerd Mari Clarke Mixed Media Nathalie DeSousa Nerd Academy New products Paprika collection Pebbes PAtio Party collection Photoplay Pick Me up COllection Pink Paislee Product Information scrapbook layouts Scrapbooking Tips & Tutorials Vicki Boutin Mixed media Videos weekly digest

Hello Nerds!
Another week has come to an end, and the Nerd Girls have been showing projects all this week inspired on the “Strawberry Social” theme.
Let’s have a look at what they have been sharing on social media, and in the Scrapbook Nerd Frinds and Fans Facebook page.
First up is Gisele with a beautiful and very colorful project featuring Phtotoplay’s Paprika collection.
She used a cut file from the SIlhouette store to create the background of this page, and then used the collection paper, designs and colors to embellish and tell the story of her family at Turkey Dinner.
Just love how she mixed all the colors and patterns together in one single page, Beautiful work, Gisele!
Next up is Mari, with this gorgeous page that features Paige Evans, Pick Me Up collection, and a bit of mixed media on the background.
Mari started by using VIcki Boutin’s Art crayons and a brayer to create the soft yellow watercolor background for her page, and then addd simple layers to behind the picture to create this gorgeous page.
Such sweet way to document a sweet family moment Thanks, Mari!
Next up is Nathalie with this week’s Tuesday Tutorial, Reworking Backgrounds. In this tutorial she shared with us two process videos on how to transform a not so loved page into two beautifu new projects using the elements of the page,

The first page features Pebbles’ Patio Party collection, and a bit of mixed media to accent the colorful picture of her family at the Strawberry Farm.

Lastly Nathalie also created this page using parts of the background of the not so loved layout. She used Vicki Boutin’s products to create this new striking page.
Both fun ideas on how to repurpose an old layout.
That is all for this week! Lots of inspiration being created and shared by our Creative team. Remember you can see more of the projects on our Facebook Friends and Fans page.
Til next time!

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