Card Making general Inspiration Nerd Academy Scrapbooking Simple Stories Tips & Tutorials Vicki Boutin

Hello everyone, it’s Gisele here with a new tutorial. Are you working on a project and looking for embellishments? Well look no further than your patterned papers, Project Life type cards, cut apart cards and sometimes even the packaging!! Yup, it’s so easy, get your precision scissors and get cutting; fussy cutting.
Your tool to cut is very important. Using precision scissors. For me from my stash of scissors (and I have a few pairs LOL), I used these, Viva Infinite. Not sure where I got these. The important thing is that they are precision. I sometimes cut really close to the items chosen, or I leave a tiny border around them.
We have these in the store : precision scissors
Here I used the Simple Stories I AM collection, I fussy cut some flowers to add to my 12×12 layout.

In this following example I used Simple Stories again, the Hello Summer collection. I fussy cut several florals from this page. Added some of the stickers too from the collection to show different sizes of florals.
Also fussy cut my title from one of the patterned papers as well.

Another example of some fussy cut embellishments, here is another LO. I used Simple Stories I Am collection again. The pink florals are from the 6×8 collection.

The following example, I fussy cut some florals from some Vicki Boutin papers.

My card:

I also used the Simple Stories Hello Summer collection in a mini album seen here.

So, do not be shy cutting up some patterned paper and use as embellishments to your pages, cards and projects. It is a way to use your papers to the max or helps your scrappy budget. Get cutting!
New products are coming in every day, so check out the store soon so you do not miss out.
Signing out for now, but not before telling you that we have an online crop happening in our Facebook group on September 21st to 23rd. Please join us for fun challenges and prizes too.

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